
Who Pays for Cybercrime
By Igor / December 18, 2021

Who Pays for Cybercrime

There needs to be accountability extending beyond purely contractual disputes for producing subpar code due to cost-cutting measures. Taxpayers are shouldering the bill for the cleanup and must have legal recourse.

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AUKUS – Beyond the Submarines
By Igor / September 18, 2021

AUKUS – Beyond the Submarines

The spectacular demise of the French submarine deal with the Australians is unlikely to be the only or even the most significant side effect of the AUKUS alliance.

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Vaccines vs. Delta
By Igor / August 30, 2021

Vaccines vs. Delta

I don't usually read the EducationWeek, but their recent article that, for some reason, appeared in my Google News feed grabbed my attention (a small win for the Google AI, I suppose). Sometime in late May of 2021, a teacher at a K-8 elementary school in Marin County, CA, got...

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The SolarWinds Hack
By Igor / December 22, 2020

The SolarWinds Hack

Everyone's like, "what are we gonna do about the Russians who hacked SolarWinds?" Here's a better question: What are we going to do about SolarWinds, whose sloppiness cost the national economy likely tens of millions in damages? SolarWinds prefers to concentrate on the more complex subsequent hack stages to divert...

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Red Hat and CentOS
By Igor / December 22, 2020

Red Hat and CentOS

I just finished reading "Why Red Hat dumped CentOS for CentOS Stream," and this short rant was unavoidable. The author says that IBM is not to be blamed because Red Hat execs have disliked CentOS for years. They did, but Red Hat killed CentOS only after being acquired by IBM.

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The CDC and the WHO Fiasco
By Igor / September 2, 2020

The CDC and the WHO Fiasco

I find it absolutely remarkable how the two leading public health organizations – the WHO and the CDC – have effectively self-destructed in the face of a global pandemic. The WHO allowed itself to be bamboozled by the Chinese government and wasted valuable time playing semantics. Now with the loss...

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