

Identify Overused Words

July 25, 2024

The issue of overused words is a tricky one. For me, the problem occurs when I revisit my writing a few days later and make a few edits. I may find a word I would like to replace with a better match, forgetting that the same word was already used…Read More

Automating Web Page Screenshots

July 13, 2024

Automatic Web page screenshots are commonly used for various monitoring tasks, such as detecting copyright infringement, website defacement, and other legal and security matters. Automatic screenshotting can also be a useful tool for researchers, developers, and journalists. There are free and open-source tools out there that can help you automate…Read More

Working with SD Cards for Photographers

June 16, 2024

What do I recall from my extensive overland trips in the past few years? Not much, to be honest. It was just a blur of driving, looking for gas stations, trying to reserve camping spots or motel rooms, and - yes - joggling camera batteries and SD cards. But I…Read More

Relocating Ollama Models Folder in Windows

June 16, 2024

Ollama for Windows is still at the pre-prod stage at the time of this writing, so there are some known (and definitely lots of unknown) bugs. One issue I ran into was the size of the "models" folder and how to move it to another disk.

Cutting Videos Into Smaller Segments

June 11, 2024

Sometimes, I need to post longer videos on social media that are limited to a few minutes in duration. Manually splitting a longer video into segments is for amateurs.

Compile ffmpeg From Source

June 7, 2024

Recently, I needed to use ffmpeg to stabilize some videos made with my iPhone, and the damned utility was giving me grief about missing VidStab support.

Convert Color Text to Images in Bash

June 3, 2024

The textmg is a cool little CLI tool written by jiro4989 - a systems engineer from Japan - that allows you to convert the color output in a terminal window to an image file. I find this very useful when sharing code snippets on social media and when writing documentation.

The Future of Spaghetti Code

May 29, 2024

In his new book “The Future of Work: Robotics, AI, and Automation"1, Darrell West of the Brookings Institution makes some very extravagant predictions. Here's a short but entirely sufficient summary from the book's presentation by Brennan Hoban:

AWS CLI Cheat Sheet

May 20, 2024

The installation and configuration process for AWS CLI is fairly simple. The package itself is installed with pip (yum -y install python-pip):

Copying X11 Magic Cookies

May 14, 2024

I rarely use GUIs, but when I do, it's from CLI and every time I run into the annoying MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not match error. It's easy to fix, but it happens to me so rarely that between the fixes I forget how I did it.

Verify Network Port Access

May 12, 2024

There are several tools you can use to verify access to a remote network port: nc, tcping, telnet. Unfortunately, nc from the netcat package has been replaced by the one from nmap, which lacks the -z option, making it useless for non-interactive applications.

Solving Crossword Puzzles from CLI

May 10, 2024

Linux command-line tools provide access to a wealth of dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, directories, and other reference sources. Learning to use these tools is a worthwhile endeavor even if solving crossword puzzles is not your favorite pastime.

Deleting Hidden Files

May 6, 2024

This simplest of problems just never fails to find a new victim. For whatever reason you want to delete all hidden files in the current directory and subfolders. Without much thinking you just type rm -rf .* Here's a classic example of one developer giving another developer a terrile advise.

Longwood Gardens, April 2018

April 29, 2024

It's not far and I buy a yearly pass, so, when there's nothing better to photograph, I take photos of pretty flowers. Gets me a few "likes" on Facebook...

Quickly Grow tmpfs filesystem

April 28, 2024

Just a quick command to double the size of the /tmp filesystem that uses tmpfs. This is  for those situations when you can't be bothered to think.

Dealing With Windows Power Plans

April 21, 2024

Windows OS is not my forte, so I'll keep this brief. My new laptop has been annoying the hell out of me by suspending my external USB 3.1 disk every twenty seconds or so. This is the drive where I keep my PhotoShop cache, so you may imagine the inconvenience.

Late Night Rant: Agile

April 16, 2024

CollabNet VersionOne has released it's 12th annual "State of Agile" report. The survey involved more than 1,400 software professionals in various roles and industries over the fourth quarter of 2017. Only 12% responded that their organizations have a high level of competency with agile practices across the organization, and only…Read More

Duck Duck Go Search from Shell

April 10, 2024

The ddgr python script is a command line interface for Duck Duck Go  - a privacy-oriented search engine that, unlike Google, will not give away your data to the likes of Cambridge Analytica. In the past year Duck Duck Go has grown and matured and now is a serious player…Read More

Document Conversion with Unoconv

April 3, 2024

The other day I ran into the "Flexible Import/Export" article by Bruce Byfield in the March 2018 issue of Linux Pro Magazine and thought it could use some more detail. So here's some more detail.

How Not to Prepare for a SysAdmin Interview

March 21, 2024

The Linux Foundation just gave birth to seven supposedly interesting tips on how to prepare for a Linux SysAdmin job interview. Unfortunately, the research behind all this probably excellent advice was based on interviewing hiring managers - the people who, despite the title, contribute very little to the hiring decision-making…Read More

Philly Flower Show 2018

March 18, 2024

An annual event produced by The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society since 1829 and hosted by the Pennsylvania Convention Center is a good place to escape boredom and shitty weather. Also, a place to photograph something other than the cat.

Productivity Shortcuts for .bashrc

March 17, 2024

Some of the useful (more or less) aliases and functions for the .bashrc file to make your life a little easier and delay the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Decision Making Using Python TOPSIS

February 28, 2024

In a nutshell, TOPSIS - the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution - seeks out one of many options that is the closest to the ideal option while at the same time is the farthest from the worst possible option.

Using Variables in Bash

February 27, 2024

A few quick tips on using variables in your Bash scripts. Nothing fancy here, just good practices that we often overlook.

Obfuscating Shell Scripts

February 26, 2024

Unix shell scripting language is run by the command-line interpreter and, as such, can be read and understood by anyone with sufficient access and experience. Sometimes this is not a good thing. Sometimes you want people and applications to be able to run the script but not necessarily look under…Read More