Find + Rsync + Xargs

Find + Rsync + Xargs

Just some quick syntax for running multiple rsync threads in parallel using find and xargs. In many cases (especially if NFS is involved)  this can...
Show NIC Bandwidth Utilization

Show NIC Bandwidth Utilization

Just a quick script that will measure bandwidth utilization in KB/s for all NICs on your server over the specified period of time. You can...
Diff on Output of Remote Commands

Diff on Output of Remote Commands

Let's say you run the same command on two remote servers and you want to compare the output. Here's a quick example: diff <(ssh -qtT...
Run Cron Jobs at Arbitrary Intervals

Run Cron Jobs at Arbitrary Intervals

Current versions of cron support sophisticated syntax making creating weird schedules a breeze. With older versions of cron you normally had to schedule multiple...
Monitoring Application Network Connections

Monitoring Application Network Connections

A Java application on one of my servers has been causing problems by opening up too many network connections and not closing them quickly...
Finding Strings in Outlook PST Files

Finding Strings in Outlook PST Files

In this scenario, a user emailed some other user something that probably should not have been emailed. You don't know who the users are...
Extracting Email Addresses from TCP Streams

Extracting Email Addresses from TCP Streams

Here's a quick example of using tshark to extract email addresses from TCP streams. Let's say some application on your server is sending emails and...
Obfuscating Passwords in Shell Scripts

Obfuscating Passwords in Shell Scripts

At the risk of repeating myself, I must say that this article is about obfuscating passwords - rendering obscure, unclear, or unintelligible - not hiding...
Export WP Posts and Sync to Sharepoint

Export WP Posts and Sync to Sharepoint

Long story short: old wiki is overloaded and broken; new wiki is not a wiki but SharePoint - a glorified file server; people are...